Vinyl Liner Diagnostics
We provide vinyl liner leak inspections to determine if your swimming pool leaks.
Leak detection has many forms but with a pool liner, there are several things we can do to see if you are having a liner malfunction or a plumbing malfunction.
We check out all of the skimmer and jet ports as well as all light and plumbing recesses. We can do this using dye tests or by visual inspection of the fittings.
We use several tools to check your pool floor. As a pool company, we have the technology to scan your pool liner without you having to drain the pool water.
If we see that your liner is in good condition we will start checking the pool plumbing including the pool pump and pressure testing of all lines. Learn more in Plumbing Repairs. This works similarly with a fiberglass pool.
Water Loss

Are you losing water in your pool or spa at a visible rate?
Is your water level lower than you remember?
Have you done the Bucket Test?
Vinyl Liner Diagnostics Walkthrough